What can be imported to Russia and in what quantities

Cigarettes are counted individually, and fruits are limited in weight

What can be imported to Russia and in what quantities

With the beginning of the holiday season, tourists are increasingly asking what and how much can be imported into Russia.Fans of shopping tours will not have to fill out documents for a new iPhone or T-shirts for friends if they travel by plane, the price of the product does not exceed 10 thousand euros, and the weight is 50 kg. For those who carry purchases by land transport, for example by bus across the Chinese border, the allowed limit is less – you need to meet 500 euros and 25 kg. If it was not possible to meet the limit, you need to pay a duty and tax in the amount of 30% of the cost. They cannot be less than 4 euros per kilogram of weight.You will not have to pay a duty on the import of alcohol if its volume does not exceed 3 liters. At the same time, degrees and revolutions in 2024 do not matter. With 5 liters of alcohol, you are supposed to go to the “red” corridor – you need to declare the excess. Each liter of excess “costs” 10 euros, but even in this case, the total volume of drinks should not exceed 5 liters. Smokers need to be careful – tobacco products must be counted piece by piece before import. It is allowed to take 200 cigarettes (i.e. 10 packs), 50 cigars or cigarillos or 250 g of tobacco with you. You will not have to pay the fees at the same time.Lovers of mango and passion fruit and other tropical fruits will not be able to fill a suitcase full of them. Up to 5 kg of vegetable products can be imported per person. The same applies to food of animal origin, but there is a nuance. Up to 5 kg of cheese or sausage will be allowed across the border if they have factory packaging. What is bought in the supermarket will not cause any questions, but the sausages sold by a local farmer may not be missed. When choosing edible souvenirs, it is worth examining the restrictions of Rospotrebnadzor – it has the right to ban the import of food from certain countries.It is strictly prohibited to import drugs into Russia. If you need to take a narcotic drug with you, it must be accompanied by a prescription for a specific person indicating the amount of the drug. It is necessary to be careful with souvenirs as well – it is not uncommon for vacationers to sell sweets with cannabis or tea with coca without warning about the peculiarities of moving with such a “filling”. Tourists learn about the violation only at the border, and they have to be responsible for their cargo to the fullest extent of the law.

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